Thursday, February 4, 2010

Homework Assignments for 5/2/2010

Hi ladies and gentlemen,

Here are you homework assignments for the weekend.
1) Rewrite one of the paragraphs

option 1:
Mr Mudgewas a dull teacher. His students never learn anything because they are so bored. Even the other teachers are bored by Mr Mudge.

option 2:

Allen studies too much. He doesn’t have time to make friends because he is too busy studying. He doesn’t get any exercise either. All his friends and relatives are worried about him.

2) Characterisation concept map -

Points to include:
a) Character's Identity

•Looks?Name? Age? Nationality?
•Background? Family? Education? Career?
•Home Life? Hobbies?
•Unusual characteristics

b) Setting

What kind of things do they like?
•Plush furniture? Luxury apartment?
•Bare walls? Rustic cabin?
•Dishevelled office?

c) What your character thinks about?

Emotional reaction to frustration?
•Reaction to success/ embarrassment?
•What is important in their lives?

d) Behaviour:
How do they

e) Speech
What do they sound like?
•Their vocabulary?
•Consistent with other aspects of personality?

f) Reactions
Reactions to other characters?
•Do others see them the same way?
•Their friends?
•Their enemies?

3) Caricature

4) Research materials for Google Doogle Competition

5) Assigned reading: Gulliver's travels: (please cut and paste this link on your web browser. It will only that way.)

6) Math workbook review 1